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Transplant, Moskvich Heirloom Tomato



Richly flavoured beefsteak – a show-stopper! One of the best tomatoes around! WOW! (6-7 oz+) And early - 60 days!

We like to think that we know a lot about Heirloom Tomatoes, but must confess that every growing season is unique and we never stop learning about them. Our selection of Heirloom Tomato transplants offered for sale is limited to varieties which we believe the Canadian home gardener can grow and enjoy in a relatively short-season!

We have found that very long-season heirloom tomatoes, although wonderful, are too unpredictable for our Canadian garden. So hopefully, you can benefit from our vast experience and our “addiction” to Heirloom Tomatoes which we know you will soon share.

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